Do you categorize your sleep problems as narcolepsy or hypersomnia? It seems to be a different branch of narcolepsy, from the limited amount I know about it. I have the same thing, severe inability to fall asleep and severe inability to stay awake. I would leave to hear which one you think applies most to you!

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I absolutely have hypersomnia, but I would mainly not bother with that term, because it’s merely one of several symptoms caused by narcolepsy. So I definitely categorize my sleep problems as narcoleptic, because virtually all narcoleptics ALSO suffer from the symptom of insomnia. It’s that tendency to have trouble with both symptoms that is so characteristic of narcolepsy.

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yeow. this doesn't sound like fun. My husband was finally diagnosed w AL Amyloidosis after a few yrs. No cure. But, trying to find the diagnosis was very hard. I'd be several pages in to a rare disease database and nothing popped. But, when, after he'd had biopsies done and they came back positive for amyloidosis, I popped that into my search string and voila! Tons of hits. That said. I hope you do NOT have any of the couple doz. varieties of Amyloidosis. I am giving you a link for rare diseases that might help you narrow things down. Might. Maybe. https://www.findzebra.com/

That database is fairly new, developed by the Scandinavians to try to help Drs. find stuff. Honestly, they all really need to fix their algorithms. But, I hope you'll get some use from it.

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Thanks, Brooke: interesting resource I had not heard of before. Appreciate it.

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I've been following your work for several years, so I know it's entirely possible I'm making suggestions that aren't helpful! But since you mentioned that CCJ issues are one of your most plausible hypotheses, I wanted to recommend trying a cervical collar. The Miami J ones on Amazon have been very helpful. (I looked and didn't see any posts on that in the things you've tried; entirely possible I'm missing information so apologies if this isn't helpful.) I had a similar "never quite recovered" episode with Epstein Barr back in the early 2010s, which is pretty much what led me to your blog in the first place. I got diagnosed with CCI earlier this year, and weirdly, so did my husband - who previously had a pile of fibro / ME / CFS / POTS-type diagnoses. Trying cervical collars was really the clincher in narrowing it down. (We've also both since gotten stem cell procedures.)

Also I'm sure you're familiar with Jen Brea / Jeff Wood's work, but just in case - https://jenbrea.medium.com/ and mechanicalbasis.org.

good luck, this kind of stuff is a mess.

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Hi, Olivia. Thanks for the long term following. ❤️

I haven't mentioned cervical collars so far — one of countless details I haven't gotten to yet. I am certainly aware of the option and considering it, but I suspect it’s a bit unlikely to yield any result, since I have no signs or symptoms of CCJ instability. In other words, if there's anything wrong with my CCJ, it’s probably not CCI. 🙂

Nevertheless, it’s not like it’s hard to give it a try. For that reason alone, I may still try it.

I do know Jen Brea's work, but Jeff Wood is new to me. Thanks!

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Wow. This looks so much like the notes I write for myself regularly, summarizing what's moved to the top of my list, to remind myself to look into them and hopefully remember to mention them to doctors. I just found your work through googling whether massage therapy is a pseudoscience (due to being awake at 2 AM with pain and thinking "I really need to remember to schedule a massage soon") and ended up here, and I think I'm going to be following this journey. I am currently on a "try everything I can" journey which is pretty limited due to being in school and, you know, chronically ill; but I'm seeing every specialist I can while I have good insurance and I'm reading as much as I can and I'm doing the treatments I'm offered. I *just* had a sleep study that found OSA and I'm thinking chronic sleep deprivation -- that I wasn't even aware of! -- could be a contributor. Sorry I said way too much about myself lmao BUT POINT IS I super appreciate your publicly documenting this, I'm looking forward to reading, and I hope the very best for you.

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Thanks! I will do my best to make my documentation useful for readers as well as myself.

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I love your attitude of feeling kind of ridiculous because of all the nasty shit going on. Also I had a tonsillectomy at 16 that was supposed to solve All the Problems lol. Wish I got to have it again solving All the Different Problems.

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Thanks, Diana. I take your tonsillectomy did NOT solve all the problems. Were there new problems, complications? Or did it simply fail to have the effect on "all" the problems? If you're willing, please tell your story in a little more detail.

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At the time (I was sixteen and in boarding school, very terrible time) I was having in addition to swollen glands and sniffles fainting-like episodes. I've since informally connected them with night terrors and stress and maybe some sort of narcolepsy.

All the tonsillectomy did was take out my tonsils. At a follow-up, the ENT said "oh actually everything could be solved by a septoplasty which here in Alberta is considered cosmetic surgery."

So years later some Ontario doctor said "it's not cosmetic" & referred me for a septoplasty.

I have been less swollen and snurfly since then.

My current pain syndrome is sadly unconnected to my head/neck.

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Thanks, Diana. You've provided some good examples there. It’s easy to be wrong about this stuff! We get kind of infatuated with a theory… and it often doesn't lead to a solution.

Congrats on the reduced swelling and snurfliness. I have a buddy who just got a bunch of relief from that procedure.

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